Free Speech

We believe that it is important to hear from others, regardless of their beliefs or opinions.

It is important for everyone, including Christians, to hear the opinions of others. When those who listen, and when those who are speaking use care to ensure that they are using their God given ability to think, then people can learn from one another, while being aware that they may disagree with what is being said.

To facilitate this, we have decided to assist a select few individuals, who do not necessarily align with all of our beliefs, to be able to share what they have learned with others.

Because of this, we have decided to label these podcasts, show, etc. as free speech publications.

These shows may contain opinions that do not reflect the opinions or beliefs of the Heaven Bound Record Company. We are taking care to ensure that the content of these publications is presented in an appropriate manner, so that anyone can listen, regardless of the listeners beliefs. In our effort to ensure the appropriateness of our publications for Christians and others, we expect our presenters, hosts, and everyone else involved in these publications to abide by certain rules and guidelines governing the content that we will assist in distributing to others.

We choose our free speech presenters and hosts very carefully.  While we do permit some dissenting opinion, there are several topics and publications that we will not entertain, or permit. We do this to ensure that we are aligning with our beliefs, and while we entertain some subjects, their are others that we believe are clearly wrong and dishonoring to God, this is why we take such great care toward governing the content of our publications very carefully.

Any content contained in our free speech publications, including, but not limited to, opinions and beliefs, are not necessarily the views, opinions, or beliefs of the Heaven Bound Record Company. Content is given for entertainment, and informational purposes only and is not to be constituted as advice fit for a particular purpose, including but not limited to, financial, medical, or investment purposes. We make no guarantee that all information contained in our publications is accurate, or truthful. All information should be researched by the listener, before their determination of it's accuracy, or inaccuracy.